I never imagined myself as a wife, let alone being a mother. I suppose I had a romantic notion of having a family someday but then again, I also had a romantic notion of being a model which unfortunately seemed equally unlikely with my physical appear-ance. Even though being a parent is against the basic normalcy and consistency required of being a healthy participant in the entertainment world we do have to find some ways to enjoy life, especially during Christmas and New Year’s when it is accept-able to start drinking at 11AM. 

 When McKenzie was younger, we were afraid to stay out past her bedtime and neglected to socialize, but now that she is 27 months, we feel that it is more beneficial for her to be involved in the excitement of all the festivities with the rest of the crowd. Not to mention that mom and dad also needs a break from arguing about the best diaper crème or daydream about the day when McKenzie will finally start sleeping through the night all by herself. Let me gently remind you that I have not slept throughout the whole night for the last two years.

In order to have a successful night out with your toddler, make sure they get a good nap during the day in order to avoid getting overtired. Just like all the moms and dads, they also have a lot of feelings rammed inside. Let go of your own insecurities by allowing your toddler to enjoy the party and rail against the many injustices in their lives, like “Mom doesn’t let me play with toilet water” or “I can’t eat a battery.” Grab a straw when you see one, they greatly reduce the amount of juice or water spills and toddlers seriously LOVE straws for reasons that are unknown to adults. Dessert will be served so let them explore the delicate layers of that perfect piece of cake, sugar can do wonders for their mood. Please be warned that I cannot guarantee what time they will sleep that night. Remember to pack their pajamas and tooth-brush. At the end of the night, I brush McKenzie’s teeth and change her into pajamas before heading home because if she falls asleep in the car seat, I can transfer her straight to bed and the last thing I would want to do is to wake her up. When you are at a party full of toddlers, it is a common sight to see all parents lined up in front of the bathroom at the end of the night, waiting to change them into pajamas before heading home.

As for McKenzie, no matter what time she goes to sleep, she tends to wake up at the same time every morning. As a mother, I expect no sympathy from her even if I had only a few hours of sleep or wake up with a splitting headache from the open bar champagne, she will certainly expect me to greet her highness at 7AM on the dot. I must always remember to thank my daughter for pushing me to perform at my maximum physical ability at all times. So, let us not forget the good ol’ days and party on, after all, we all deserve it, won’t you agree?  

글 Ellen Kim

Cliffside Park,Works in Purchasing

Mom&i 맘앤아이